Supporting people, destigmatising therapy and improving access and affordability of psychological services are core values of The Psych Trainer. See our range of complimentary products, educational resources and low-cost programs.
10 Was To Move Your Body
This free short guide explains why moving your body and exercising can improve mental health with 10 examples to try this summer.

Tips For a Better Night Sleep
This free short guide explains the benefits of sleep and ways to improve your sleep. It offers tips on what to do, and what not to do.

Gratitude and Smiling
Ever wondered what gratitude or smiling meditation is or how it works? This free guide provides these answers and more!

Police Sleep
Are you experiencing sleep diffciulties before a block?
Join this 8 week course for Police for sleep related strategies and psychoeducation.

Study Stress
Feeling stressed about studying? Need to build confidence? Join this 8 week course to help build better study habits and tackle procrastination.